Lonne Mays.

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Lonne Mays是来自半导体行业的退休首席工作人员/科学家,为摩托罗拉,半导体和飞思卡尔半导体工作,作为专业从事模拟,混合信号和电力电子设备的系统和应用工程师。雷竞技最新appDuring his 40+ year career in the electronics industry, he has had five U.S. Patents issued, has taught engineering level seminars in power electronics design to more than 1000 engineers, and has had his technical papers and articles published in several engineering venues, including the International Microelectronics and Packaging Symposium, The Power Conversion and Intelligent Motion Conference Proceedings, The International Journal of Microcircuits & Electronic Packaging, and Circuit Cellar magazine. Lonne is a strong advocate of and believer in the importance of mentoring in STEM, whether it be via internships or informal coaching/knowledge sharing.