
聪明的城市需要5G吗?Three Cities Implementing 5G Today

September 06, 2018byGary Elinoff

The terms are often used interchangeably, but you can implement a smart city with or without 5G, and 5G doesn’t need to live in a smart city. But if you don’t want to be left in the digital dust, it seems clear that the trend is to not pursue one without keeping the other in mind.

The terms are often used interchangeably, but you can implement a smart city with or without 5G, and 5G doesn’t need to live in a smart city. But if you don’t want to be left in the digital dust, it seems clear that the trend is to not pursue one without keeping the other in mind.

Smart cities, in their various incarnations, are already beginning to happen. But existing 4G, 3G, and wireless networks can only do so much. The current limits on the number of connections these networks can support, as well as their data carrying capacity and their data speed. For the idea of the smart city to reach its true potential, the essential element is 5G.


5G's speed and low latency could ease some of the immense strain produced by the resulting data-hungry system. Marie Ma, Combra Telecom’s Senior Director of Technical Marketing Solutions and General Manager of Enterprise Business, described this concept in aninterview with Techwire Asiaas hyperconnectivity—the huge number of data points simultaneously passing huge data streams across the length and breadth of the covered area.

But you don’t have to wait for 5G and it’s OK to start small. You don’t even have to call it a smart city. Digital empires can be built piece by piece.

Here are three examples of 5G smart cities in the making right now.


Taking advantage of earlier digital network infrastructure put in place to support the2018 Commonwealth Games, the city of Gold Coast, Australia is building an IoT network covering greater than 500 square miles, along with a supporting fiber-optic broadband system.


In August, Australian telecom company Telstraannounced that it "switched on" 5Gfor the Gold Coast area.As reported in ZDNet, early goals for the system include digital monitoring of water metering and waste management. The IoT system will not be limited to government use, but made available to all and to spur connectivity across the board.

As of March, Telstra had beensending 5G vehicles into the area: "We are also using mmWave spectrum and our 5G Gold Coast Innovation Centre to put a connected car on the road with the Intel 5G Automotive Trial Platform, one of the most advanced 5G prototype devices available in the world today."

A Telstra 5G vehicle. Image used courtesy ofTelstra

The cars are equipped with Intel's5G移动试用平台,旨在将Intel处理器,天线和RF组件以及几个FPGA结合起来,以开发移动,可扩展和系统级别的5G技术。

5G Service for Africa

Vodacom is applying an interesting twist in the tiny nation of Lesotho in Africa.5G here will be implementedat a frequency band centering on 3.5GHz as opposed to frequencies about ten times as great that power conventional 5G. Bandwidth will be lower, but the longer wavelengths will do a better job of penetrating into buildings.

This is central to the plan here, which is to replace outdated broadband modem services with a “fixed 5G” service for two large customers. Supporting rapid-fire mobile communications and wide area IoT is not yet in the offing here.

重要的一点是,虽然该服务仅有望提供700 Mbps的下载速度具有10毫秒延迟,但Vodacom坚持使用“基于标准的5G”。这很重要,因为它可以确保该系统不会随着时间的流逝而陷入非标准的,过时的白大象,但它宁愿随着不断发展的5G技术而增长。



Moscow's Ambitious Plans for 5G

In May,Moscow officials signed documentationstating their intention to develop telecommunications infrastructure through projects such asAR/VRand further development of the IoT. Among their priorities were both "smart city technology" and 5G.

According to the official website of Moscow's mayor, "The document was signed in accord with the provisions of the Russian Federation’s Digital Economy State Programme, which provides for creating pilot 5G networks before the third quarter of 2019 and the commercial launch of these networks before 2022."

莫斯科的努力将以医疗保健,运输,建筑和住房公用事业为中心。由于为最近的数字基础设施建造的大量数字基础设施,这座城市的开端Moscow World Cup.

The city plans to begin testing specific 5G elements in 2019. A first 5G effort for the evolving system will be to enable the quick transfer of gigantic ultrasound diagnostic files between different points of the medical establishments.

These examples illustrate that smart cities can be built from the ground up. Or, a smart city can come up from a very humble just-barely-5G beginning. It can even evolve out of an older gigantic system originally built to host a sporting event as it has in Moscow.

The future of smart cities may look different in five to 10 years. As each of these example areas grow and change, the challenges of hyperconnectivity may require more than even 5G can offer.

1 Comment
  • W
    WiFi Kid October 10, 2018

    Hi Gary,

    If I have known the dangers of exposure to microwave non-ionised radiation since 1970, then how come you in your wisdom haven’t researched all the military medical research pre-1980 or did any testing with this untested 5G that you are so wrapped in and believe to be SMART?
    You lack the knowledge and understanding of the dangers to the exposure of microwave non-ionised radiation and even electrical and magnetic fields that are a certain risk and this blatant coverage of the Gold Coast without testing constitutes in itself a public and private nuisance. The egregious character is due to the fact that it has a bearing on human health.
    You are promoting and untested and dangerous frequency of above 25GHz, without any consideration of the fact that it has a bearing on human, animal and insect life. Are you prepared to exterminate all life on Planet Earth, and by your comment it appears so: “These examples illustrate that smart cities can be built from the ground up. Or, a smart city can come up from a very humble just-barely-5G beginning. It can even evolve out of an older gigantic system originally built to host a sporting event as it has in Moscow.”
    Heavens above Gary, weren’t you ever coached or instructed in regards to safety, and please don’t hide behind the ridiculous thing called safety regulations, when in fact, the stringent safeguards was 100mG pre-1980, and they were sabotaged by people like you and governments and raised the safety regulation to 1,000-2,000mGs to make everything appear safe.

    Gary, haven’t you noticed the increase of children’s illnesses over the past 30 years since the introduction of wireless technology and the removal of the stringent safeguards by the Australia, US, UK and Canada and all safe and cosy when most hide behind their new safety regulations without any regards to human, animal and insect life.

    Gary have a read of the research papers, particularly the 1972 Naval Research Medical Institute (NRMI) study and other studies on:http://www.orsaa.org

    I can supply many as far back as 1959.

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