

August 17, 2016byJohnathan Powell



Let's be honest, who hasn't dreamed of having a robotic power suit?


1986年电影中的外骨骼,外星人. Image courtesy ofTwentieth Century Fox.

But, as is often the case, real-world technology is following the example that has been set by fiction. Robotic suits and exoskeletons seem to be popping up all over the place with a variety of designs, features, and purposes.

Here are a few of the most recent and awesome projects that have been or will soon be making a difference in our world.

NASA的Power Glove

NASA has a history of creating tech for space travel that later finds its way into use back home. A recent example of this is the Power Glove. It is the product of a NASA partnership with General Motors, and is based off the same design that drives the hands on Robonaut 2, a robotic astronaut currently in use aboard the International Space Station.



根据美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的说法, the glove can add 15-20 pounds to a user's grip strength, while requiring only 5-10 pounds from the user. While this doesn't necessarily mean that you'll be crushing steel pipes or ripping up sign posts, it does mean that individuals whose jobs require them to perform repetitive tasks, or use the same tool for an extended period of time, can do so with significantly less strain and fatigue, as they need only apply enough pressure to activate the glove, and it will do the rest.


Ekso Bionics的Ekso GT


Companies like Ekso Bionics are seeking to create robotic exoskeletons that can aid in the process and are making great strides (pardon the pun) in that direction. In particular, the Ekso GT recently received FDA clearance for use with stroke and spinal cord injury patients and is beginning to be used in gait therapy to teach people to walk again.

It consists of a series of braces which are strapped to the patient's body. A battery pack is attached to the patient's lower back, along with some controls and instruments, as well as two handles for use by the therapist. Sensors and motors work together to support the patient's legs and torso, and encourage correct posture as they begin to walk with the help of a therapist.

Ekso GT。图像提供Ekso Bionics.


Ekso GT dev主要目的是作为治疗ice and carries a hefty price tag, so consumers won't be buying their own models anytime soon. It is currently in use in rehabilitation programs around the world, and will hopefully continue to see increased use as the technology improves.

Below is a video from 2012 showing theEksodevice in action:

SuitX's Phoenix

Similar to the Ekso GT, thePhoenix旨在帮助脊柱受伤的受害者。但是,与Ekso GT不同,Sutx希望该西装有一天可以作为电动轮椅的可能替代品,使用户可以拥有自己的西装并每天使用它。



At the moment, however, it is still in development, and as such still requires a great deal of maintenance, and is not yet ready for general sale. Currently, the suit is mostly limited "test pilots", who both test the suit and even travel the world, demonstrating the suit's capabilities.



The Stride Management Assist is essentially a belt with a battery pack, with two short arms that strap to each of the user's thighs. It provides slight assistance on each step, but requires that the user still be able to walk on their own. While it does reduce fatigue, its primary objective is to help promote good posture, and correct stride rhythm, and form.

The Walking Assist device. Image courtesy ofHonda.


The Bodyweight Support Assist device. Image courtesy ofHonda.

Honda began leasingthe Stride Management Assist out to Japanese companies for testing in 2015, but it appears that they hope to eventually sell them to the general public. The device is lightweight, but has accomplished this by trading off for power issues. The battery only has a 60 minute run time before needing to recharge, something that will need to be addressed before you can expect to wear yours all day long.



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